Sunday, 9 July 2017

Module Reviews For Year 2, Semester 1 (AY2015/2016)

Although I am rushing out the module reviews, but I believe the quality of the post should not drop too much. This is still basically dependent on my hindsight. As usual, I will try my best to recall and give as much details as I remember. I remember in Year 2 onwards, I hardly did any tutorials and was mostly going to tutorials to learn and do the tutorials before exams.

Check out my other module reviews:
Year 1 Sem 1
Year 1 Sem 2
Year 2 Sem 2
Year 3 Sem 1

ME2121 - Engineering Thermodynamics
Difficulty - 10/10 (I don't understand what was going on)

This module was a disaster as part 1, I was even sure what was being taught. The lecture notes seemed to be quite comprehensive but I was not sure what was taught. Part 2's notes were more brief and maybe too brief that if you do not pay attention, you will have to rewatch the webcast to know what was going on. Part 2 was mainly all the different thermodynamic cycles and yeah no idea what was going on. We learnt to use the Steam Table frequently and it is not what we were used to in JC.

As I mentioned, the lectures were quite confusing and it is better if you do some self study before and after the lecture to understand what was going on.

Never do as I did not understand. However, I felt that going to tutorials to listen helped me greatly as you will start to understand how what was taught is being applied and it allowed me to understand better.

We did some aircon lab and it has to be submitted on the spot, by the end of the lesson. This was challenging and it meant that you will have to read up and prepare before the lab session. As I did not prepare and read up, I could not answer the discussion question.

Mid Term
The quiz was seemingly easy but easy to make careless mistakes. Overall, I did well for this part.

I cannot remember what happened during exams but I only remembered it was difficult. Can't remember how many questions I could not do. However, as my seniors say, usually when you cannot do, most people also cannot do. So you should be safe, unless it is easy and you did not study.

Module Breakdown
Quiz: 20%
Lab: 10%
Exam: 70%

ME2134 - Fluid Mechanics 1
Difficulty - 10/10

Part 1 was quite confusing and I didn't know what was exactly being taught. Part 2 was more focus.

Usual thing, never do and learn on the spot

Have to submit by the end of the lab session and it was very stressful. You have to prepare before hand and make sure you know how to answer the discussion questions.

Mid Term
Can't remember if we have this

1 cheat sheet is allowed. However, the paper was quite off topic as we were tested on global warming and some other non conventional questions that are related to fluid mechanics but somehow not what we expect. This caught many of us off guard and died.

Module Breakdown
Lab: 20%
Exam: 80%

ME2151 - Principles of Mechanical Engineering Materials
Difficulty - 5/10 (Maybe I liked a bit of chemistry in secondary school)

One of the few female professors of Mechanical Engineering Department and she taught this module. She goes quite slow but I felt that I understood well. Since the pace was slow, the content that was taught was not a lot every lecture and can be absorbed.

As usual, never do and learn in tutorial

The lab was not very interesting but you get bring the lab report home to do, which is nice.

I felt that the paper was doable but many people beg to differ. So I might be bias on this. From what I heard, the paper seemed to be marked based on keywords, a bit similar to how "A" Levels was done (is it? actually I forgot).

Module Breakdown
Lab: 20%
Exam: 80%

ME3162 - Manufacturing Processes
Difficulty - 4/10

Very interesting, one of the few that will not cause you to be sleepy. You can tell from the number of people who attend the lecture for part 1. Part 2 was a lot dryer as it involves cutting angle and etc which was very dry.

Tutorial was quite chill where you do on the spot and the professor will be there to teach you how to do for part 1. Part 2 tutorial is mainly on how to draw the circle.

Groups of 4 people will take turn to learn how to do milling and drilling. NO LAB REPORT WOOHOO. That is the best thing about this lab. However, it is really dependent on your skills on how you fabricate the parts

IT IS OPEN BOOK. However, part 1 of the paper was pretty manageable and part 2 was harder as we have to draw circles and etc. You need your protractor and compass for this. In the end, I thought the paper was doable and I think most people thought so too. Hence the bell curve was very steep, any careless mistake will cost you severely.

Module Breakdown
Lab: 20%
Exam: 80%

ME2113 - Mechanics of Materials 1
Difficulty - 8/10 (Not strong in this subject)

Was quite interesting and I think we were the only batch that has 3 lecturers. I went for all the lectures and I felt that it was ok(?)

As usual, never do as I was too tired throughout the week but this is where I learn most, from learning in class.

The lab is tedious but doable and can be finished fast. However, the report is more time consuming but can be submitted the following day 5pm.

This quiz consist of 3 MCQ questions online and you have 1h. It is manageable as it is open book and as long as you are not careless, should be able to do

My friends told me some of the questions that look similar to past year questions came out and that were the ones that I did not know how to do. However, the paper was not easy and I guess it might just be me.

Module Breakdown
Quiz: 10%
Lab: 20%
Exam: 70%

CP3108B - Individual Work Project
Difficulty - TOO HIGH (for someone who has no coding experience)

I took this module called Orbital and is part of School of Computing. What was required from what I remember was to make something that is software related. It can be an app, website, game, etc. It is to be done over the summer holiday and in pairs. How I joined was due to some friend who just happened to feel like doing and required a partner so I agreed as it was worth 4mc and it will be a good learning experience to try my hand on some code.

Even though I only went through CS1010E, I just went ahead with my friend and decided to make an android game as he was familiar with android development. However, we met a lot of problems during the execution and the app was buggy where we could not fit. In the end, we still presented out app and got the 4mc worth of credit and it was certainly worth the effort even though most of the work was done by my friend and I was the burden.

University is tiring. Even though people say they enjoyed their university life, I wonder if I am enjoying mine. However, work is not any better. It sort of kills your brain after work and you will be too tired to study or think after that.

I will like to promote my friend's app from DanbooruWorks as the downloads are quite pathetic. The apps are:
Prix - CompareFirst is not just another shopping app!
PriceText – Price searching and comparing made easier

Please do try them and if they are good, do support by using them more often!

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