Tomorrow the new semester will start again. We will be faced with similar people and maybe get to know new people and make more friends. While many things are changing, 1 thing seems to be constant - the gender ratio of engineering, especially mechanical engineering.
I have heard rumours before I enter NUS about how going to engineering, especially going into mechanical engineering is similar to the army. My whole company of about 70 people, there is 1 female officer. I thought that it could not be so bad. Some told me the gender ratio of mechanical engineering is about 5~6 males : 1 female. I thought it doesn't seem to bad. A tutorial class of 24 people should have about 4 girls? That was what I thought. Mechanical Engineering is the course with the worst gender ratio with the most guys to girls ratio. I was told that Chemical Engineering has about 60% males and 40% females while Biomedical Engineering has about 1:1 ratio which was the best in Engineering faculty. Even Electrical Engineering which is supposed to suffer the same fate as Mechanical Engineering has a more equal gender ratio. So what exactly is the gender ratio of Mechanical Engineering?
Engineering as a whole, I am not very sure about the ratio as the common engineering modules are taken by people from other faculties for their requirements. However, I do know about the ratio of Mechanical Engineering. Based on EG1109M lectures, the mythical creatures called girls, do exist. How many? I am not crazy enough to calculate but they exist. However, preallocated modules and my EG1109M tutorial group does not have a single female. My tutorial group has about 21 people and none of them are females. At least their names and looks tell me that they aren't females, I wouldn't want to confirm that though. Hence, based on my experience, there seem to be a really bad ratio in Mechanical Engineering.
I have heard about how some girls who only qualify to get into NUS Mechanical Engineering but chose to pay more and go to SIM as they do not want to do Engineering. Makes me wonder if Mechanical Engineering is really that bad.
Some of you might wonder why are there so little females in Engineering. I am not sure either but there are some possible reasons:
1. Engineering = dirty work. People have to go out to the field everyday to slog.
2. Engineering = Math and Science which are stereotyped to be easier for guys and harder for girls to grasp.
3. Engineering is dominated by guys, unless they are out to get their soul mate, the chances of having close female friends are slim due to the lack in numbers.
4. Engineering has no future in Singapore as many jobs are outsourced overseas (sunset industry), demanding, reasonable starting pay but low prospects of job advancement.
Therefore, guys who are planning to study in Engineering and wants to find a girlfriend from Engineering in NUS, you will have to participate in Engin Orientation camps and hopefully you get to go to your course camp too. Most of the females will be given a place in the orientation camps as there is always a need to balance the gender ratio. The girls will usually be with a group of guys from their orientation camp or from halls. If you want to stand a chance, either you have a thick face and approach them (but they might be creeped out if you do it too suddenly) or you join the camps.
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