Sunday, 3 January 2016

Analysis Of Accommodations In NUS

Just have to pay money and you will be able to stay. How do they give the slots to students? I have no idea.

Cost - $110 per week (single room)
           $75 per week (double room)
Meal plans are not included. For more details.

Pros - You just have to pay money and there is no need to take up any extra module or extra CCA to help you continue your stay.

Cons - There are rumours saying that there will be very little interaction between the people inside and I guess it really depends on the individual? A sociable person can always make friends.

Similar to residence but if you will like to secure your place for the next year, it is said that you have to participate in 4 CCAs in order to be on the safe side.

Cost - $110 per week (single room)
           $75 per week (double room)
Meal plans are not included. For more details.

Pros - You get to socialise a lot with the people as there are camps and it is likely that you will join many CCAs and get to know your neighbours.

Cons - Time management is key and many people find it hard to juggle between CCAs, studies and friends.

Residential College
These are relatively new housing which many people love (as it is new). However, the cost of staying is higher than the other 2 options available.

Cost - $120/$130 per week (no air con)
           $135/$145 per week (air con)
Meal plans and air conditioning usage are not included. For more details.

Pros - It is new and it is really nice.

Cons - Expensive and you will be required to take their modules which replaces your general education modules. A lot of time will be spent on extra reading.

For me, I cannot imagine myself with 4 CCAs, I will certainly die horribly. Having 1 CCA now is already taking up almost all of my time and I don't have sufficient time to do work. So hall will be out for me. As for residential college, the extra cost puts me off and as a stereotypical engineering student, I am better with mathematics and science than languages. I will struggle a lot if I have to take the extra residential colleges modules. Thus, residential college is also out. Residence will be a good choice but cost is a very big issue as I am currently in debt. Nobody will lend me extra money just to stay in a residence. Due to my CCA commitments, I cannot really work part time during the holidays either. You might call me a spoilt brat that does not want to work, but I feel that this CCA is really fun and will increase my knowledge in university. It is not an experience that I can obtain just by being a normal mechanical engineering student.

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