Tuesday, 9 February 2016

The Transport System That I Would Like To See In Singapore

As you know, the main transportation system for everyone in Singapore is mainly bus and the MRT. I am not a fan of taking bus as the arrival timings are unpredictable due to bugs in the bus arrival time apps or maybe due to bad traffic. Some buses have very low frequency also. All these makes planning very difficult. Hence, I will like to discuss more on MRT.

The current MRT system that is know of: (Purely my perception)
Green line:
- Slow, especially from Pasir Ris to Lavender
- Super crowded (because many people lives around those area and MRT is one of the faster and cheaper means of transport) It is hard to board the train sometimes during peak hours
- Hot, even with the air con, the sun is really bright and because the stations are open, with natural wind, the hot air will displace the cooler air in the MRT when the MRT reaches a station.

Circle line:
- Seems faster
- Less crowded during non peak hours but still very crowded during peak hours
- Colder, with the stations being air conditioned too, the temperature in the MRT can be maintained better.
- Less glaring on the eyes due to the lack of sunlight penetrating into the train. (Allows me to use my phone easier)

Downtown line:
- Less crowded as it is newly opened
- Similar to the circle line

The rest of the link I am not sure as I hardly use them.

Based on my experience of travelling to NUS almost everyday, I feel that the journey is really long -- at least 1.5h, and 3h to and fro. It is really a pain to travel but as a poor university student, I have to make do with it.

I will like to see a parallel train track that will be like an express train. The plan is to have a train that connects from East to South then to West and another one that goes from North to South. So for example bedok is the station for East, City Hall is for South and Jurong East is for West. The express train will only stop in these stations. People who would like to go to Pasir Ris, will have to transfer to green line.

- This will greatly reduce the amount of time spent for people who travel across Singapore everyday.
- Just a speculation, shorter time for travelling might reduce the need for cars as cars are mainly used for convenience and speed.

- It might not be profitable for train operators as it serves only that specific group of people.
- The extra cost for the building of these infrastructure might not be worth the extra money gained.
- Current Interchange stations might already be at their maximum capacity and any extra usage of these stations might cause congestions and higher unhappiness of the people.
- If a train breaks down, it might be hard for the people to evacuate from the train and find alternative means of transport, unless money is spent on evacuation points along the tracks so that people can transfer to other forms of transport.

If this plan were to go ahead, it is likely that the prices for the express train will be higher to offset the costs involved. Hence, based on the view point of a consumer (hopefully it isn't just me who wishes that this idea might take off), it will greatly help to reduce the amount of life they spent just on travelling. However, based on the business view point, this idea might not take off due to it being less profitable and the cost incurred might not be worth the extra money earned.

This is just my viewpoint on how I would like to see Singapore improve on its current MRT services (I would love to have this express train). Let's not talk about breakdowns of trains and focus on the ideal.

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