Saturday 15 June 2024

Reflections on Happiness

What makes me happy?

I am unsure what exactly makes me happy. However, I do know what are some frustrations that I have. The daily long distance travel to work and to squeeze on transportation during the daily commute. The long queue for food during lunch time.

To target these frustrations, having financial independence is a good goal to have. This will help to remove the monetary stress and open up more options for me. Furthermore, rental or even ownership of house nearer to work place will remove these frustrations.

Does removal of these frustrations make me truly happy?

I have the privilege of working in a field and company where I am satisfied. However, the daily commute might be the reason why the motivation to push harder to achieve more in my career is not a priority. I am unsure if it is due to the nature of my personality or the daily grind of the commute that drains me.

With financial independence,

  • Will it motivate me to work harder?
  • Does it push me to make a difference and help to change the world?

These are questions that I will have to continue pondering.

In the end, in the pursuit of money, we have to remember that money is an enabler of the lifestyle that we want to achieve. Do not accumulate money for the sake of money. Try to have a purpose on why and what you want to do with it. With sufficient money for financial independence, will we be happy?

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